source code:
#include "maze.h"
// =============================> Maze Objects <====================
// Maze object data members:
// int _max_row;
// int _max_col;
// char _map[MAX_MAZE_DIM+1][MAX_MAZE_DIM+1];
// ============================> report_err <=======================
static void report_err(const char* message)
cout << "FATAL ERROR (Maze): " << message << endl;
// ========================> member functions <=====================
// ========================> Constructors <==================
*this = Maze(7,7);
Maze::Maze(int rows, int cols)
if (rows > MAX_MAZE_DIM || cols > MAX_MAZE_DIM)
report_err("Attempted to create overly large Maze");
_max_row = rows;
_max_col = cols;
for(int row = 1; row <= rows; row++)
for(int col = 1; col <= cols; col++)
_map[row][col] = '.';
// =======================> max_row <========================
int Maze::max_row() const
{ return _max_row;
// ======================> max_col <=========================
int Maze::max_col() const
{ return _max_col;
// =====================> is_open <==========================
int Maze::is_open(int i, int j) const
// PRE: VALID_POS(i, j)
// POST: FCTVAL == position (i, j) of this maze is open (contains a '.')
if (i < 1 || i > _max_row)
report_err("Attempted to check cell row outside of maze dimensions");
if (j < 1 || j > _max_col)
report_err("Attempted to check cell column outside of maze dimensions");
if (_map[i][j] == '.') // if current spot in maze is passible
return (1); // return 1 ==> TRUE
return (0);
// ====================> mark <==============================
void Maze::mark(int row, int col, char marker)
if (!is_open(row,col))
report_err("Attempt to mark an non-open Maze cell");
_map[row][col] = marker;
// ===================> unmark <=============================
void Maze::unmark(int row, int col)
// PRE: VALID_POS(row, col) &&
// _map[row][col] != '*'
// POST: is_open(row, col)
if (_map[row][col] != '*')
_map[row][col] = '.'; // reset current spot in maze to passible
// ===================> stream output <======================
ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream, Maze m)
for(int row = 1; row <= m._max_row; row++)
for(int col = 1; col <= m._max_col; col++)
stream << endl;
stream << flush;
return stream;
// ==================> stream input <=======================
istream& operator>>(istream& stream, Maze& m)
{ char ch;
for(int row = 1; row <= m._max_row; row++)
for(int col = 1; col <= m._max_col; col++)
if (ch == '.' || ch == ' ')
m._map[row][col] = '.';
m._map[row][col] = '*';
return stream;
#include "maze.h"
// =============================> Maze Objects <====================
// Maze object data members:
// int _max_row;
// int _max_col;
// char _map[MAX_MAZE_DIM+1][MAX_MAZE_DIM+1];
// ============================> report_err <=======================
static void report_err(const char* message)
cout << "FATAL ERROR (Maze): " << message << endl;
// ========================> member functions <=====================
// ========================> Constructors <==================
*this = Maze(7,7);
Maze::Maze(int rows, int cols)
if (rows > MAX_MAZE_DIM || cols > MAX_MAZE_DIM)
report_err("Attempted to create overly large Maze");
_max_row = rows;
_max_col = cols;
for(int row = 1; row <= rows; row++)
for(int col = 1; col <= cols; col++)
_map[row][col] = '.';
// =======================> max_row <========================
int Maze::max_row() const
{ return _max_row;
// ======================> max_col <=========================
int Maze::max_col() const
{ return _max_col;
// =====================> is_open <==========================
int Maze::is_open(int i, int j) const
// PRE: VALID_POS(i, j)
// POST: FCTVAL == position (i, j) of this maze is open (contains a '.')
if (i < 1 || i > _max_row)
report_err("Attempted to check cell row outside of maze dimensions");
if (j < 1 || j > _max_col)
report_err("Attempted to check cell column outside of maze dimensions");
if (_map[i][j] == '.') // if current spot in maze is passible
return (1); // return 1 ==> TRUE
return (0);
// ====================> mark <==============================
void Maze::mark(int row, int col, char marker)
if (!is_open(row,col))
report_err("Attempt to mark an non-open Maze cell");
_map[row][col] = marker;
// ===================> unmark <=============================
void Maze::unmark(int row, int col)
// PRE: VALID_POS(row, col) &&
// _map[row][col] != '*'
// POST: is_open(row, col)
if (_map[row][col] != '*')
_map[row][col] = '.'; // reset current spot in maze to passible
// ===================> stream output <======================
ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream, Maze m)
for(int row = 1; row <= m._max_row; row++)
for(int col = 1; col <= m._max_col; col++)
stream << endl;
stream << flush;
return stream;
// ==================> stream input <=======================
istream& operator>>(istream& stream, Maze& m)
{ char ch;
for(int row = 1; row <= m._max_row; row++)
for(int col = 1; col <= m._max_col; col++)
if (ch == '.' || ch == ' ')
m._map[row][col] = '.';
m._map[row][col] = '*';
return stream;
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